London City Presbyterian Church

A source of Reformed Theology in the heart of the City of London

Mark 10:17-31: Five Lessons about Salvation


Mark 10:17-31: Five Lessons about Salvation

What is the meaning of life, what are we doing here? This morning, we consider Mark 10 and one of the most fundamental questions asked; 'What must I do to inherit eternal life?' Rev Andy Pearson preaches on how Jesus will answer this question and what five lessons that we will learn about eternal life from this passage.


  1. Salvation is about more than mere sincerity
  2. Salvation is about Gods standard and not about our own
  3. Salvation involves submission to the Lordship of Christ
  4. Salvation and riches do not mix
  5. Salvation brings blessing in this life and the next

Categories | Mark


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 8.43MB - Duration: 36:34 m (32 kbps 22050 Hz)