London City Presbyterian Church

A source of Reformed Theology in the heart of the City of London

2 Timothy 1:10: The 'death of death' in the death of Christ Jesus


2 Timothy 1:10: The 'death of death' in the death of Christ Jesus

Tonight, Rev Andy Pearson is preaching on the subject of death - the great unmentionable in the 21st century. Often, we pour ourselves into consumerism as a form of escapism from the reality of our own mortality or as a way of taking control of our own mortality. We hear from this passage in 2 Timothy what Almighty God has to say on the subject of death, focusing on verse 10.


We cover four questions:

  1. What does it mean that death has been destroyed?
  2. How has death been destroyed?
  3. What does the destruction of death mean for how we live?
  4. For whom has death been destroyed?



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 8.42MB - Duration: 33:44 m (32 kbps 22050 Hz)