London City Presbyterian Church

A source of Reformed Theology in the heart of the City of London

1 Samuel 2:1-11: Finding Joy in Hard Times


1 Samuel 2:1-11: Finding Joy in Hard Times

Rev Andy Pearson continues the sermon series in 1 Samuel, focusing on chapter 2:1-11. Here we see the hero of the story - Hannah, having handed over her only son to Temple service, rejoicing and praying with joy. This is a joy that can only possibly come from God. Here we learn what it is about God that can make Hannah so joyful, and in turn, how we can find joy in God in hard times.

There are three main points:

1. Rejoices in Gods unique holiness

2. Rejoices in Gods sovereign care

3. Rejoices in Gods coming judgement

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 6.02MB - Duration: 26:12 m (32 kbps 22050 Hz)